If your idea of a festival is being knee-deep in mud, soaking wet and having to take practically every item of warm clothing you own and if, like me, that doesn't sound all that appealing then Low Fest definitely will. Held in a sports stadium/fields at the end of July (with temps of around 35°), you can camp in a wooded shaded area or if that's too much like roughing it then you can book into one of the many nearby hotels.
Though Low Festival, yes they've dropped the 'cost' this year, might not have the biggest names in music headlining, you will already be familiar with some and can rock out to others. It does have a VIP Olympic sized swimming pool, as opposed to an unintentional mud bath, and a separate VIP area.
Last year's line up included Two Door Cinema Club, Glasvegas, Portishead, Belle and Sabastian, Crystal Castles and TOY and some cool indie Spanish bands I can guarantee you definitely won't have heard of. Unlike most British festivals, weirdly Low doesn't even start each night until 6pm and most people don't rock up until after 9, the headliners usually play around midnight, and bands play until around 5am. This leaves all day to be spent chilling on the beach or eating delicious tapas in the Old Town, both only a 15 minute walk from the festival.
So far The Hives and Editors are amongst a lot of random Spanish acts confirmed for Low Festival 2014, however most bands won't be announced until the beginning of May.
So glampers, put your wellies away, book your flight, grab your swimmy and pack some factor 30+. Three day tickets are currently 50€ but act fast as the longer you wait, the higher the price (you know the drill). VIP Pool tickets which include an unlimited free supply of Budweiser (curiously I'm feeling they may be the sponsors again this year) are 125€, if you're a fangirl then this is definitely the ticket for you as most acts lounge around the pool during the day.
Read my interviews from Low Cost 2013 with Two Door Cinema Club here and Glasvegas here.
Purchase tickets from www.lowfestival.es
My Low Cost Festival 2013 (all my own photos)