The loudest screams of the night come when Miles, Marcus and Oscar play 2011 release 'Milk' and their latest single 'Tonight'. The boys manage to create a warm intonation holding this small crowd in the palms of their hands whilst creating a sound that would still sound intimate in an arena of 30,000 people. Lead singer Miles' velvety smooth tones go perfectly with the overall vibe the three-piece pull off so effortlessly. It's like the snuggling up with the perfect blend of silk and cashmere.
Their zesty 80s style is somewhat lacking in the music industry of today. Theme Park could be one of the biggest bands of my generation, I can imagine telling my offspring about my experiences seeing them as I grew up.
It may be a snowy winter's night outside but inside this cosy venue I feel like could be in a beachfront cafe in LA sipping on a coconut cocktail, with Marcus' Hawaiin shirt completing the illusion. After the most enjoyable three quarters of an hour I have experienced in a long time the gig concludes with my, and apparently everyone elses, personal favourite 'Wax'.
I was lucky enough to catch an interview with the guys prior to the show, it was lovely to meet them and the interview will be published on the blog at the beginning of next week.
Theme Parks' debut album is available now on iTunes.
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