Ginger is now the most popular colour of hair dye in the world. Being ginger is now seen as cool and definitely doesn't make a person less attractive, of course, a few big names have helped. Teenage girls up and down the country are lusting after gingers more than brunettes with six-packs. Who knows if it’s just a phase or the thing of the moment, but I think the boundary has been crossed and from now on gingers will be credited with more respect.
Our very own Prince Harry used to get a bit of a hard time for his “unfortunate hair colour” but now it’s what makes us love him even more. He just looks so cute, and what with William practically having no hair, Harry is representing us all with his gingerness.
In case you’re not convinced yet, here are a few more cool gingers; Julian Rhind-Tutt from Greenwing, and one of the biggest actors right now in Homeland, Damian Lewis. Benedict Cumberbatch (who may be my favourite person ever) is also naturally ginger, although he would remain just as perfect with a pink Mohawk. Gingers are even favourites in the world of fictional characters; Tin Tin, and Lois from Family Guy are at the top of the list.
When I interviewed Theme Park I asked Oscar; have you ever suffered because of your hair colour or have you always been a red hot ginger? "Both, they're not separate things," he replied laughing. "I think anyone who is ginger will know suffering, will know pain and will know being on the end of very shit jokes from people who think they're hilarious."
We all remember that video of the young ginger boy shouting and proclaiming to the world that "Gingers do have souls!" Were we convinced? Well if we weren't then, we certainly are now. Pass me shade 74 Mango Intense Copper.
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