
Sunday 1 April 2012

The Real Funny Guys

Posted by Lauren Marion at 4/01/2012 06:13:00 pm
On Saturday I was lucky enough to catch an interview with Rob Broderick and James Hancox aka hip-hop comedy act Abandoman the day after they performed at the International Comedy Festival in Glasgow. Winners of both Hackney Empire New Act of the Year 2010 and The Musical Comedy Awards 2010, they improvise rapping to a live audience, no two gigs are ever the same. Abandoman first came to my attention when I saw them supporting Ed Sheeran on his live tour January, when they blew me away with their act. They're two of the loveliest guys I have ever met, we couldn't stop chatting but unfortunately, they had a train back to London to catch. If you met them in a cafe, you would definitely be talking and laughing non-stop for hours.

I was very nervous as it was the first interview I'd ever done but I think it went really well and afterwards they actually wished me the best of luck with my journalism.

We spoke about the difference between playing the comedy circuit and supporting Ed Sheeran on his live tour. At comedy clubs people know what to expect and they're all seated where as on the tour the crowd were hyped and up for joining in at every opportunity. James definitely loves the screaming crowds.

The most challenging question was about their thoughts on what it's like to be a teenage in this generation - is it harder than it was 10 years ago? With the internet and social networking everything is so instant nowadays and very different. I think Rob found it unfair to judge, of course, not being a teenager right now. In my opinion it is a lot harder, now we have to deal with cyber bullying and people hiding behind screens trying to make other people miserable. Not to mention the whole fame side of things, everything is so 'in your face' and hard to ignore.


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